Last Saturday, Robin, Mike, and I ventured to the Strip District for a little shopping adventure. We failed to include photos of the Vietnamese shop, but I did make some purchases there: some spicy/sweet beef jerky and a Peking duck for my great Uncle Bob. My uncle was reminiscing about the Strip District and mentioned that you could buy a very good Peking duck at a Chinese food store. Imagine my delight when I came across two drumsticks sticking out of what seemed to be an over-sized Chinese take-out container. I came home with my duck, and while I was out the next day, my mother stuck it in the oven for dinner. I came home, opened the oven door, and found this staring back at me:
I do not have a problem with leaving a face on the food you're about to eat. When eating meat, you have to realize that you are eating something that was once a living thing. But I did not realize that, when roasted, the face of a duck becomes the face of the ride of Satan. The equine qualities lend themselves to a scene from "The Brother's Grimm;" I half-expected the thing to rise and swallow me whole.
How did the freaky thing taste? The flesh was rather greasy which was to be expected with duck meat, but I was especially disappointed to note that the proportionate of meat to fat was pretty small.
Not a good meal, but a fun time.
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