1. "Nothing exists in itself." - MOBY DICK
2. There are people who procrastinate (and for whom it is absolutely necessary), and there are those who do not.
I am one of the first.
This is why after brunch with Robin (post to follow), I decided instead of doing any work whatsoever, I would go to the EastEnd Food Co-OP. Hence,
How-To: use grocery shopping to procrastinate, a photo journal (and an excuse to take pictures in the East-End Food Co-OP)
1. Decide it is absolutely necessary to go grocery shopping, even though you have no idea what you possibly need.
2. Arrive at grocery store:
TA-DA! (I have no idea who that person in the picture is.)
3. Peruse the shelves, exploring the possibilities of things to be made...
4. Decide to not make anything special and instead check-out with a bunch of fruit, endamame, cereal, goat milk, and some vegan pancake mix. (Re-creations of Kiva Han's vegan pancakes soon to follow.)

... and you've just wasted much more time than was possibly necessary for a Sunday afternoon.
But you enjoyed it...

... and you've just wasted much more time than was possibly necessary for a Sunday afternoon.
But you enjoyed it...
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